Material Properties: Glass Fabric - Polyester

Data Available:


Thermal Conductivity
(Helium, warp Direction)

Thermal Conductivity
(Nitrogen, Warp Direction)
Thermal Conductivity
(Nitrogen, normal direction)
UNITS W/(m-K) W/(m-K) W/(m-K)
a 689.532 -2141.58 2909.905
b -2543.63 4639.74 -8616.64
c 3967.067 -3249.405 10542.69
d -3400.366 51.72425 -6832.068
e 1731.725 1101.977 2475.328
f -524.309 -613.8563 -475.7
g 87.4249 141.1432 37.9003
h -6.19597 -12.3133 0
i 0 0 0
data range
38-300 80-300 84-300
equation range
18-300 60-300 70-300
curve fit % error relative to data
1 1 2
Curve fit equation of the form:
log10 y = a+b(log10T) + c(log10T) 2 + d(log10T) 3 + e(log10T) 4 + f(log10T) 5 + g(log10T) 6 + h(log10T) 7 + i(log10T) 8

Solves as:
y = 10
a+b(log10T) + c(log10T) 2 + d(log10T) 3 + e(log10T) 4 + f(log10T) 5 + g(log10T) 6 + h(log10T) 7 + i(log10T) 8

Where: Coefficients a - i are summarized in the appropriate table and T is the temperature in K (x-axis), and y is the property to solve for.

See References

Linear Expansion
(normal direction)
Linear Expansion
(warp direction)
[(L-L293)/L293] x 105 unitless, eg. m/m [(L-L293)/L293] x 105 unitless, eg. m/m
-7.179E2 -3.0897E2
-3.157E0 1.0245E0
5.251E-2 -2.9503E-3
-1.947E-4 1.8323E-5
2.752E-7 -2.7013E-8
Tlow (K)
data range (K)
80-293 80-293
equation range (K)
80-285 80-280
curve fit % error relative to data
2 2
equation of the form:
y = a + bT + cT 2 + dT 3 + eT 4
   >T > Tlow
y = f 
   T < Tlow
solves as expected: Where: Coefficients a-e are summarized in the appropriate table and T is the temperature in K (x-axis), and y is the property to solve for.

See References

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